PS-43 was released on 22/4/2015.
Solar powered party balloon, 25mW TX
TX WSPR, JT9 on 30m and 20m
Dial frequency 10.138700Mhz and 14.095600Mhz (standard WSPR dial frequencies) for WSPR, JT9.
Transmitting every ten minutes, alternating between 30m and 20m frequencies:
See HF decoding info at
Tracking as PS-43 on SNUS
WSPR call sign is VK3ANH
Currently over the Tasman sea, predicted to pass New Zealand in 24H, around 00:00 UTC 25/4/2015
Update #1 11/4/2015
PS-43 went over North of New Zealand this morning
Update #2 27/4/2015
PS-43 is still heading towards South America.
Update #3 08:30pm 28/4/2015 AEST
PS-43 descended into the Souther Pacific this evening, about 3200km West of South America.