Tag Archives: pico hf jt9 wspr

PS-31 HF payload Mel – NZ – Pacific

PS-31 was released at 7am AEST 24/1/2015 from Melbourne.

Solar powered, 20mW TX
TX WSPR and JT9 on 30m and 20m

With dial frequency 10.138700Mhz and 14.095600Mhz (standard WSPR dial frequencies),
these will put WSPR at 1400Hz-1600Hz, and JT9 at 1000Hz, allowing decoding of both WSPR and JT9 without changing frequency on each band.

See HF decoding info in the FAQ section or here

Tracking as PS-31 on SNUS here
WSPR call sign is VK3YT



Assistance with tracking is always appreciated.

Update #1 6:00am 25/1/2015 AEST

PS-31 has been doing well, just crossed the international dateline, getting ready to head west back to New Zealand. Thanks everyone for helping out with tracking.

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Top WSPR spots

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WSPR map

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Wind pattern

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Update #2 11:00am 26/1/2015 AEST

PS-31 did a U-turn around New Zealand over night, and soon will be heading East again.
We had a huge turn-out of stations to help with tracking.

(PS-32 was also released for a multiple balloon tracking exercise)

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Some very impressive WSPR spots

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Update #3 7:30pm 27/1/2015 AEST

PS-31 went down at sunset with the last JT9 packet at 08:03 UTC, probably due to rain/ice developed over the NE of NZ.

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Thanks everyone for tracking, and hope PS-32 will keep going for much longer.

PS-27 HF PICO balloon

PS-27 is in the air for further HF testing

Solar powered 25mW

WSPR on 30m (dial 10.138700Mhz) and 20m (dial 14.095600Mhz)

JT9 on 10.142000Mhz and 14.075000Mhz centre frequencies (dial 10.141000Mhz and 14.074000Mhz);
